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Serbian Traditional Tune
Geier și Iachimciuc

Serbian CHOP - Laura Geier - violin; Igor Iachimciuc - cimbalom

Hora lui Baila
Geier și Iachimciuc

Hora lui Baila - Romanian hora - Laura Geier - violin; Igor Iachimciuc - cimbalom

Gankino Horo

Gankino Horo -- Bulgarian tune by Ibro Lolov. Live performance at the American University in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.


Krshlama – Traditional Macedonian tune by Bajsa Arifovska. Performed by the Village Idioms. Featuring Jim Grippo, Qanun.            

Tchavalo Swing

Tchavalo Swing – Hot club gypsy jazz standard by Tchavalo Schmitt. Excerpt with guitarist, Ryan Dart.

Elka's Horo

Elka's Horo -- Bulgarian horo (dance) by Atanas & Elka Vulchev. Performance with gadulka player, Todor Bakoev.

Hora Martisciore

Hora Martisciore -- Excerpt from a live performance with guitarist, Miroslav Tadic'.


Fraima -- Energetic tune in 12/8. Excerpt with Miroslav Tadic'.

Sweet Chorus

Sweet Chorus -- Stephane Grappelli gypsy jazz standard. Live performance with Ryan Dart.


Rumelaj -- Romani song. Excerpt from solo performance with the CalArts Bulgarian choir led by Kate Conklin.

Second Rhapsody

Second Rhapsody -- Folk melodies written by Béla Bartók. Accompanied by pianist, Chris Guerriero.


Tzigane -- A piece by Ravel based on romani melodies/improvisation. Live solo performance with orchestra.

Sonata in A major

Sonata in A major -- 1st mvmt. of Franck's violin Sonata in A major.

Piano Quintet in F minor, Op. 34 I

Piano Quintet in F minor, Op. 34 I -- 1st mvmt. of Brahm's Piano Quintet in F minor, Op. 34. Violins - Hermine Gagne & Laura Geier; Viola, Heida Remick; Alexander Friedhoff, cello; Piano, Jessica Osborne